To achieve this ambition, we defined our “A Responsible Race” strategy based on six priority areas in 2020. We have progressed on many targets and milestones but also met challenges to implementation on each of our priorities. We, the industry, and stakeholders at large have also learned a lot. During 2023 we reviewed our materiality assessment and based on the review also our strategy. The six priorities remain but we have sharpened our focus on the areas where the impact is greatest.
We produce high quality timeless products that are safe to use for our customers and safe for our suppliers to manufacture.
We conserve the use of resources, seek more sustainable and recycled materials and minimise overproduction.
We measure our emissions and strive to achieve our reduction targets for 2030.
We protect the environment together with our supply chain partners.
We work for employee wellbeing and development through good leadership, inclusivity and equal opportunity.
We work for human rights and good labour conditions throughout our supply chain.
Our priorities for durable and safe products, circular resources, climate and environmental protection, address environmental responsibility in product, business model, production, and the impact of resources used, such as energy, emissions, chemicals, water, and waste. These areas, actions, and initiatives often intersect and do not exclude each other. Additionally, there is an evolving transparency and understanding of the industry’s impact, and many topics, such as sustainable materials, are debated areas.
Based on our learnings and insights from the industry in recent years, we have refined our environmental focus. This refinement aims to direct our efforts towards areas that require improvement and consistently yield positive environmental results – all under the overarching theme of environmental responsibility. These specific focus areas contribute to one or more of our strategic environmental priorities.